中文内容 | -一般经文
申 13:6-9 伯 6:14,15 16:2,20 19:13-22 诗 35:13,14
诗 41:9 55:12-14 88:8,18 箴 11:13 17:9,17 18:24 22:24-27
箴 25:17,19 27:6,9,10,14,17,19 传 4:9-12 摩 3:3 提后 4:16
创 14:14-16
得 1:16,17
撒上 15:35 16:1
撒上 18:1-4
撒上 20 23:16-18 撒下 1:17-27 9:1-13
撒上 22:21-23
撒下 10:2
王上 5:1
撒下 15:32-37
撒下 16 17:1-22
撒下 15:19-21
王下 8:28,29 9:16
伯 2:11-13
但 2:49
路 10:38-42 约 11:1-46
太 27:55-61 28:1-8 路 24:10 约 20:11-18
徒 1:1
徒 23:16
罗 16:3,4
腓 2:19,20,22,25
内容 | -General scriptures concerning
De 13:6-9 Job 6:14,15 16:2,20 19:13-22 Ps 35:13,14 41:9 55:12-14 88:8,18 Pr 11:13 17:9,17 18:24 22:24-27 25:17,19 27:6,9,10,14,17,19 Ec 4:9-12 Am 3:3 2Ti 4:16
.Abraham and Lot
Ge 14:14-16
.Ruth and Naomi
Ru 1:16,17
.Samuel and Saul
1Sa 15:35 16:1
.David and Jonathan
1Sa 18:1-4 20 23:16-18 2Sa 1:17-27 9:1-13
.David and Abiathar
1Sa 22:23
.David and Nahash
2Sa 10:2
.David and Hiram
1Ki 5:1
.David and Hushai
2Sa 15:32-37 16 17:1-22
.David and Ittai
2Sa 15:19-21
.Joram and Ahaziah
2Ki 8:28,29 9:16
.Job and his three "friends,"
Job 2:11-13
.Daniel and his three companions
Da 2:49
.Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, with Jesus
Lu 10:38-42 Joh 11:1-46
.The Marys, and Joseph of Arimathaea, for Jesus
Mt 27:55-61 28:1-8 Lu 24:10 Joh 20:11-18
.Luke and Theophilus
Ac 1:1
.Paul and his nephew
Ac 23:16
.Paul, Priscilla, and Aquila
Ro 16:3,4
.Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus
Php 2:19,20,22,25