中文内容 | -音乐教师
代上 15:22 25:7,8 代下 23:13
代下 29:27,28
尼 12:42
-伶长 (首席乐师)
尼 12:42 哈 3:19
结 40:44
启 5:8,9 14:2,3 15:2,3
创 4:21
代上 23:5 代下 7:6 29:26 摩 6:5
王上 10:12 代下 9:11 传 2:8
结 28:13
但 3:5,7,10
.见 号角
.见 钹
.笙, 一种双排笛
但 3:5,10,15
但 3:5,7,10,15
.迦特, 一种弦乐器
诗 8 81:1-16 84:1-12
.见 竖琴
.箫, 可能由吹奏不同音符的管笛组成
创 4:21 伯 21:12 30:31 诗 150:4
.见 笛子
.见 瑟
.琴, 一种竖琴
但 3:5,7,10,15
.铃鼓, 手鼓
.见 铃鼓
.见 号角
.六弦提琴, 琵琶类乐器
赛 5:12 14:11 摩 5:23 6:5
.音乐术语, 出现在
代上 15:20
诗 46:1
.(似乎是指歌曲以女声呈现, 可能是女高音)
诗 57:1 58:1 59:1 75:1
.(似乎用来指颂歌种类, 或者唱颂歌应该用的某种旋律)
诗 92:2
.(根据 Gesenius 所言, 这意味着竖琴呜咽的音调, 因此
诗 9:16
.(与「细拉」连用时, 可能用来指人声暂歇, 而乐器部分
诗 19:14
.(Mendelssohn 把这个字译为「沈思、默想」。因此, 音
-麻哈拉, 训诲诗, 利暗俄
诗 53:1 88:1
.(关于这些词的意义, 专家仍在摸索, 可能是指要用何种
乐器演奏, 或用何种旋律咏唱)
诗 32:1 42:1 44:1 45:1 52:1 53:1 54:1 55:1 74:1
诗 78:1 88:1 89:1 142:1
.(意思费解, 不过这个词出现在诗篇标题之外的地方, 意
义相当于「教诲」, 或是因教诲而有智慧; 因此, 诗 47:7
.音乐术语, 出现在下列诗篇的标题
诗 16:1 56:1 57:1 58:1 59:1 60:1
.(Luther 把这个词解释为「黄金般的」, 亦即「珍贵的」,
Ewald 的解释则是这个词表示曲风哀伤)
诗 9:1
和 申 Wette 解释这个词是「以童男的声音, 由男孩所
唱」, 其他人则推论这个词源自另一个希伯来字根, 解
诗 4:1 54:1 55:1 61:1 67:1 哈 3:19
诗 5:1
.(根据 Gesenius 所言, 这是指唱这首诗的时候要用吹奏
.(这个词诗篇中常见。用法不得而知, 可能表示人声暂歇,
诗 6:1 12:1
.(译为「八」, 可能指八小节、八拍,或高八度音)
诗 7:1
哈 3:1
.(猜想是演奏诗歌序曲的音乐术语。在 哈 3 结尾, 作者
把颂歌「交与伶长, 用丝弦的乐器」。这个词可能暗示
-百合花, 为证的百合花
诗 45:1 60:1 69:1 80:1
.(似乎是指演奏这些诗歌的曲风。Kimchi, Tremellius,
和 Eichhorn 译为「六弦乐器」, 也就是说, 唱这些诗
歌时, 要用六弦乐器伴奏)
创 31:27 出 15:1,20,21 21:17-20 士 5:1-3 11:34
撒上 18:6,7 撒下 19:35 王上 1:40 代上 6:31,32 15:16-22,24,27,28
代上 16:4-39,41,42 22:3,5,6,27,30 25:1,5,6,7,8 代下 5:12,13
代下 20:19,21,22,28 23:13,18 29:25-28 31:2 35:15,25
拉 2:64 3:10,11 Neh 12:24,27-31 伯 21:12 30:31 诗 33:1-4
诗 68:4,25,26,32-35 81:1-3 87:7 92:1-3 95:1,2 98:1-8
诗 104:33 105:2 135:1,2,3 137:1-6 144:9 149:1-3,6
诗 150:1-6 箴 25:20 传 2:8 赛 5:12 14:11 16:10 23:16
赛 24:8,9 30:29,32 耶 31:4 结 26:13 33:32 但 3:4,6,7
摩 6:5 8:10 太 9:23 11:17 可 14:26 林前 14:15 弗 5:19
西 3:16 来 2:12 启 14:2,3 18:22
-见 赞美/称颂
-见 诗篇/诗歌 |
内容 | -Teachers of
1Ch 15:22 25:7,8 2Ch 23:13
-Physical effect of, on man
1Sa 6:15,16
-Discoursed during the offering of sacrifices
2Ch 29:27,28
Ne 12:42
-Chief musician
Ne 12:42 Hab 3:19
-Chambers for musicians in the temple, in Ezekiel's vision
Eze 40:44
-In heaven
Re 5:8,9 14:2,3 15:2,3
.Invented by Jubal
Ge 4:21
.Invented by David
1Ch 23:5 2Ch 7:6 29:26 Am 6:5
.Made by Solomon
1Ki 10:12 2Ch 9:11 Ec 2:8
.Made by Tyrians
Eze 28:13
Da 3:5,7,10
.DULCIMER, a double pipe
Da 3:5,10,15
Da 3:5,7,10,15
.GITTITH, a stringed instrument
Ps 8 81 84
.ORGAN, probably composed of pipes furnishing a number of
Ge 4:21 Job 21:12 30:31 Ps 150:4
.SACKBUT, a harp
Da 3:5,7,10,15
.TIMBREL, a tambourine
.VIOL, a lyre
Isa 5:12 14:11 Am 5:23 6:5
.(Literally virgins)
.A musical term which appears in
1Ch 15:20
.And in the title of
Ps 46:1
.(It seems to indicate the rendering of the song by female
voices, possibly soprano)
.It appears in the titles of
Ps 57:1 58:1 59:1 75:1
.(it seems to have been used to indicate the kind of ode, or
the kind of melody in which the ode should be sung.)
Ps 92:3
.(According to Gesenius, it signifies the murmuring tone of a
harp, and hence that the music should be rendered in a
plaintive manner.)
Ps 9:16
.(Combined with "Selah," it may have been intended to indicate
a pause in the vocal music while the instruments rendered an
Ps 19:14
.(Mendelssohn translates it "meditation, thought." Hence, the
music was to be rendered in a mode to promote devout
.These terms are found in the titles of
Ps 53:1 88:1
.(Authorities grope in darkness as to their signification.
They may indicate the instruments to be played, or the melody
to be sung)
.This musical sign occurs in the titles of
Ps 32:1 42:1 44:1 45:1 52:1 53:1 54:1 55:1 74:1 78:1 88:1 89:1 142:1
.(The meaning is obscure. But its signification where it
occurs elsewhere than in the titles of Psalms is equivalent
to the English word "instruction," or to become wise by
instruction; hence, Ps 47:7: "Sing ye praises with
.A musical term in the titles of
Ps 16:1 56:1 57:1 58:1 59:1 60:1
.(Luther interprets this as "golden," that is, "precious."
Ewald interprets it as signifying a plaintive manner.)
.In the title of
Ps 9:1
.(Authorities, ancient and modern, differ as to the probable
signification. Gesenius and De Wette interpret it, "with the
voice of virgins, by boys." Others derive the word from a
different Hebrew root, and interpret it as indicating that
the Psalm was a funeral ode.)
.Appear in the titles of
Ps 4:1 54:1 55:1 61:1 67:1 Hab 3:19
.(Its use seems to have been to indicate that the song should
be accompanied by stringed instruments.)
.Appears in the title of
Ps 5:1
.(It seems to indicate, according to Gesenius, that when this
Psalm was sung it was to be accompanied by wind instruments.)
.(This term appears frequently in the Psalms. Its use is not
known. Possibly it signified a pause in the vocal music
while an instrumental interlude or finale was rendered.)
.In the titles of
Ps 6:1 12:1
.(Translated "eighth," probably indicates the measure,
movement, or pitch.)
.In the title of
Ps 7:1
.And its plural, SHIGIONOTH, in the title of
Hab 3:1
.(Supposed to be a musical term to guide in rendering the
song. At the close of the chapter, the author refers the ode
"to the chief musician, on my stringed instruments." The
term may suggest the movement in interpreting the music set
to it.)
.In the titles to
Ps 45:1 60:1 69:1 80:1
.(Seems to indicate the manner in which these Psalms were to
be rendered. Kimchi, Tremellius, and Eichhorn render it
"hexachorda," that is, that in singing these Psalms
instruments of six strings were to accompany.)
Ge 31:27 Ex 15:1,20,21 21:17-20 Jud 5:1-3 11:34 1Sa
18:6,7 2Sa 19:35 1Ki 1:40 1Ch 6:31,32 15:16-22,24,27,28 16:4-39,41,42 22:3,5,6,27,30 25:1,5,6,7,8 2Ch 5:12,13 20:19,21,22,28 23:13,18 29:25-28 31:2 35:15,25 Ezr
2:64 3:10,11 Neh 12:24,27-31 Job 21:12 30:31 Ps 33:1-4 68:4,25,26,32-35 81:1-3 87:7 92:1-3 95:1,2 98:1-8 104:33 105:2 135:1,2,3 137:1-6 144:9 149:1-3,6 150:1-6 Pr 25:20 Ec 2:8 Isa 5:12 14:11 16:10 23:16 24:8,9 30:29,32 Jer 31:4 Eze 26:13 33:32 Da 3:4,6,7 Am
6:5 8:10 Mt 9:23 11:17 Mr 14:26 1Co 14:15 Eph 5:19 Col 3:16 Heb 2:12 Re 14:2,3 18:22