内容 | - Of Christ, as Messiah
Isa 42:1 1Pe 2:6
- Of good angels
1Ti 5:21
- Of Israel
De 7:6 Isa 45:5
- Of ministers
Lu 6:13 Ac 9:15
- Of churches
1Pe 5:13
. Of God
1Th 1:4 Tit 1:1
. By Christ
Joh 13:18 15:16
. In Christ
Eph 1:4
. Personal
Mt 20:16 Joh 6:44 Ac 22:14 2Jo 1:13
. According to the purpose of God
Ro 9:11 Eph 1:11
. According to the foreknowledge of God
Ro 8:29 1Pe 1:2
. Eternal
Eph 1:4
. Sovereign
Ro 9:15,16 1Co 1:27 Eph 1:11
. Irrespective of merit
Ro 9:11
. Of grace
Ro 11:5
. Recorded in heaven
Lu 10:20
. For the glory of God
Eph 1:6
. Through faith
2Th 2:13
. Through sanctification of the Spirit
1Pe 1:2
. To adoption
Eph 1:5
. To salvation
2Th 2:13
. To conformity with Christ
Ro 8:29
. To good works
Eph 2:10
. To spiritual warfare
2Ti 2:4
. To eternal glory
Ro 9:23
. Effectual calling
Ro 8:30
. Divine teaching
Joh 17:6
. Belief in Christ
Ac 13:48
. Acceptance with God
Ro 11:7
. Protection
Mr 13:20
. Vindication of their wrongs
Lu 18:7
. Working of all things for good
Ro 8:28
. Blessedness
Ps 33:12 65:4
. The inheritance
Isa 65:9 1Pe 1:4,5
- Should lead to cultivation of graces
Col 3:12
- Should be evidenced by diligence
2Pe 1:10
- Saints may have assurance of
1Th 1:4
- Exemplified
. Isaac
Ge 21:12
. Abram
Ne 9:7
. Zerubbabel
Hag 2:23
. Apostles
Joh 13:18 15:19
. Jacob
Ro 9:12,13
. Rufus
Ro 16:13
. Paul
Ga 1:15