内容 | -Offered in sacrifice
.By Abel
Ge 4:4
.By Noah
Ge 8:20
.By Abraham
Ge 22:13
-Required in the Mosaic offerings
-The land of Bashan adapted to the raising of
De 32:14
Mic 2:12
Eze 27:21
Isa 60:7
Isa 65:10
.Jacob's management of
Ge 30:32-40
-Milk of, used for food
De 32:14
-Shearing of
Ge 31:19 38:12-17 Isa 53:7
-Feasting at the time of shearing
1Sa 25:11,36 2Sa 13:23
-The first fleece of, belonged to the priests and the Levites
De 18:4
-Tribute (taxes) paid in
2Ki 3:4 1Ch 5:21 2Ch 17:11
1Ch 21:17 Ps 74:1 Jer 13:20
.Of backsliders
Jer 50:6
.Of lost sinners
Mt 9:36 10:6
.Of the righteous
Jer 50:17 Eze 34 Mt 26:31 Mr 14:27 Joh 10:1-16
.Of the defenselessness of servants of God (Greek: diakonoi)
Mt 10:16
.Parable of the lost
Mt 18:11-13 Lu 15:4-7