中文内容 | -一般经文
创 18:19 出 18:21 申 16:19,20 撒下 22:21 伯 10:7
伯 13:15,18 16:17 27:4-6 29:14 31:1-40 诗 7:3-5,8 15:1-5
诗 17:3 18:20 24:3-5 26:1-3 69:4 73:2-22 119:121 箴 1:3
箴 2:2,5,9 3:3,4 4:25-27 10:9 11:3,5 12:22 14:30 15:21
箴 16:11 19:1 20:7 21:3,15 22:11 28:6,20 赛 26:7
赛 33:15,16 56:1 耶 7:5,7 结 18:5,7-9 弥 6:8 亚 7:9
玛 2:6 路 3:13,14 6:31 11:42 16:10 徒 23:1 24:16
罗 9:1 13:5 14:5,14,22 林后 4:2 5:11 7:2 8:21 腓 4:8
西 3:22,23 弗 6:6 帖前 2:4 提前 1:5 3:9 多 1:7,8
来 13:18 彼前 2:12 3:16
-见 品格/性格/特色
-见 不老实/不正直
-见 诚实/正直
-见 正义/公平
-见 公义
.法老, 得知撒拉是亚伯拉罕之妻时
创 12:18
.亚比米勒, 受上帝告诫, 得知他带进家门的妇人
创 26:9-11
.雅各, 照理拉班的财产
创 31:39
.约瑟, 不受色诱
创 39:8-12
.约瑟, 受诬告而被打入土牢, 却是清白的
创 40:15
.雅各的儿子, 约瑟指控他们窃盗时
创 43:15-22 44:7-16
.埃及的助产士, 受命杀害以色列婴孩时
出 1:17-21
.摩西, 服事以色列人却不取分文
民 16:15
.撒母耳, 服事百姓却不取分文
撒上 12:4
.大卫, 因割下扫罗的衣襟而自责
撒上 24:5
.大卫, 不让他的起义军索粮
撒上 25:15
.大卫, 在非利士人那里避难时举止廉正
撒上 29:6,9 29:1-11
王下 12:15 22:7
.约押, 奉大卫的命令数点以色列军队时
代上 21:6
.祭司, 为了以斯拉重修圣殿而收受金子和礼物的供品时
拉 8:24-30
.尼希米, 改革文职, 为民效劳而不收报酬
尼 5:14-19
.利甲人, 守拿细耳人的誓约
耶 35:12-17
.但以理, 禁戒饮食
但 1:8-20
.但以理, 维持品行端正, 虔诚始终不改
但 6:4
.马利亚的丈夫约瑟, 不因吃醋指责她出轨
太 1:19
.撒该, 管理他的财富
路 19:8
.拿但业, 心里没有诡诈
约 1:47
路 23:50,51
.彼得, 行邪术的西门要给他钱时
徒 8:18-23
.保罗和巴拿巴, 路司得百姓要奉他们为神明时
徒 14:12-15 |
内容 | -General scriptures concerning
Ge 18:19 Ex 18:21 De 16:19,20 2Sa 22:21 Job 10:7 13:15,18 16:17 27:4-6 29:14 31:1-40 Ps 7:3-5,8 15:1-5 17:3 18:20 24:3-5 26:1-3 69:4 73:2-22 119:121 Pr 1:3 2:2,5,9 3:3,4 4:25-27 10:9 11:3,5 12:22 14:30 15:21 16:11 19:1 20:7 21:3,15 22:11 28:6,20 Isa 26:7 33:15,16 56:1 Jer 7:5,7 Eze 18:5,7-9 Mic 6:8 Zec 7:9 Mal 2:6 Lu 3:13,14 6:31 11:42 16:10 Ac 23:1 24:16 Ro
9:1 13:5 14:5,14,22 2Co 4:2 5:11 7:2 8:21 Php 4:8 Col 3:22,23 Eph 6:6 1Th 2:4 1Ti 1:5 3:9 Tit 1:7,8 Heb
13:18 1Pe 2:12 3:16
.Pharaoh, when he learned that Sarah was Abraham's wife
Ge 12:18
.Abimelech, when warned by God that the woman he had taken
into his household was actually Abraham's wife
Ge 26:9-11
.Jacob, in the care of Laban's property
Ge 31:39
.Joseph, in resisting Potiphar's wife
Ge 39:8-12
.Joseph, innocent of the charge which caused him to be cast
into the dungeon
Ge 40:15
.Jacob's sons, when accused by Joseph of robbery
Ge 43:15-22 44:7-16
.The Egyptian midwives when commanded to destroy the newborn
babies of the Israelites
Ex 1:17-21
.Moses, in taking nothing from the Israelites in
consideration of his services
Nu 16:15
.Samuel, in exacting nothing from the people on account of
his services
1Sa 12:4
.David, in self-reproach for the cutting of Saul's robe
1Sa 24:5
.David, in preventing foraging by his insurgent forces
1Sa 25:15
.David, in his conduct while in refuge with the Philistines
1Sa 29:6,9 29:1-11
.Workmen, who repaired the temple
2Ki 12:15 22:7
.Joab, when ordered by David to count the military forces of
1Ch 21:6
.Priests, who received the offerings of gold and other gifts
for the renewing of the temple under Ezra
Ezr 8:24-30
.Nehemiah, reforming the civil service, and receiving no
compensation for his own services
Ne 5:14-19
.The Rechabites, in keeping the Nazarite vows
Jer 35:12-17
.Daniel, in his abstemiousness (i. e. abstinent)
Da 1:8-20
.Daniel, in maintaining uprightness of character and
consistent devoutness
Da 6:4
.Joseph, the husband of Mary, in not jealously accusing her
of immorality
Mt 1:19
.Zacchaeus, in the administration of his wealth
Lu 19:8
.Nathanael, in whom was no guile
Joh 1:47
.Joseph, a counselor
Lu 23:50,51
.Peter, when offered money by Simon Magus
Ac 8:18-23
.Paul and Barnabas, when the people of Lystra desired to
deify them
Ac 14:12-15